
Spring is coming fast

Spring is coming fast

The buds are already getting ready to burst open – in no time at all, the trees will be blossoming beautifully!

Podcast Grün in der Stadt

Podcast Grün in der Stadt

Ob immer neue Hitzerekorde in der Betonwüste, extreme Dürre oder extreme Niederschläge - der Klimawandel macht auch vor unseren Städten nicht halt, Extremwetterphänomene kommen immer häufiger vor. 

City trees

City trees

Mit Stadtbäumen gegen den Klimawandel!

Stadtbäume sind wichtige Elemente für die Anpassung an den Klimawandel und die Verbesserung der Lebensqualität in urbanen Räumen.

Symposium 2023 Nachbericht

Symposium 2023 Nachbericht

Zeit für Helden - Mut zu großen Bäumen 

Symposium 2023 Nachbericht

Erfahren Sie, warum die Auswahl von Stadtbäumen und Klimabäumen entscheidend für zukunftsfähige Städte ist. Lesen Sie unseren Blogartikel für wertvolle Einblicke.

Climate trees are urban trees

The best types for use in the city.

Ein Aste voller buntgefärbter Blatter des Eisenholzbaumes

Parrotia persica

The ironwood tree (Parrotia persica) is a beautiful autumn colouring and a very good urban tree/climate tree.

Somergrüne Reihe Schnurbäume

Sophora Styphnolobium

Sophora japonica / Styphnolobium japonicum: insect pasture and urban tree!

Große Supf-Eichen mit goldgelben Blättern

Quercus palustris

The swamp oak is a dreamy autumn colouring and an urban tree of the future.

The leaf of the rock pear Amelanchier with the onset of autumn colour.


Amelanchier as a fruit tree? As a bee pasture? As a climate tree? As decoration? What then?

Die zarten gelben Blüten der Kornelkirsche

Cornus mas

What do city climate resistance, jam, and non-swimmers have in common?

Green bunker Hamburg

Green bunker Hamburg

Green bunker St. Pauli: Greening of Hamburg's highest city garden begins

Trees as climate saviours

Trees as climate saviours

Climate change and cities - trees as air conditioners

City climate Hamburg

City climate Hamburg

Asphalt deserts, busy roads, stunted trees – this is not the city of the future! The city of the future should be GREEN! A tour through Hamburg with Bernhard von Ehren!

Climate-Adapted Urban Tree Plantings

Climate-Adapted Urban Tree Plantings

This project investigates how the future urban tree population can be adapted to longer summer dry phases. To this end, suitable soil substrates are tested in combination with a selection of promising tree species and varieties.

 Grove of climate trees

Grove of climate trees

What is our climate tree grove? What is our motivation? Which trees are included?